The Tuscany Inn
Also on the Vineyard, The
Tuscany Inn (formerly the Captain Fisher House) home of The
Cooking Scholl at La Cucina, stands majestically, overlooking the
Edgartown Harbor. Innkeeper Laura, a native of Tuscany, has realized
her dream in this Italianate Victorian setting. Combining all of her
skills in art, interior design and culinary arts , she has created
a unique ambiance among New England hosteleries. She has carefully
and tastefully restored this fine, authentic captain's home. Wishing
her guests to feel like friends, she has furnished the Inn to reflect
a warm country sophistication through the treasures that Laura has
collected over the years.
The next day, before getting back on the ferry, we did some shopping at Midnight Farm and talked "potluck" with owner, Tamara Weiss.
Click here to learn more about our visit to Midnight Farm.
Kitchen is produced by Creative
Voice & Media.