Caramelized Garlic
by George Hirsch from Living It Up
6 heads fresh garlic
2 Tblsp. olive oil
12 inch square of aluminum foil
Lay each garlic head on its side and cut off 1/4 inch from the bottom or root end, exposing the cloves. Brush with olive oil. Place the heads, exposed end down, in a single layer in an ovenproof dish or directly on the grill. Roast in a 325 degree oven or on a very low grill, uncovered, until light brown. Cover with aluminum foil and cook 8 to 10 minutes longer or until creamy.
Allow the garlic to cool. Remove the clove from the head as needed. Garlic may be stored in a tightly covered container in the refrigerator for several days. To puree, crush garlic cloves with the flat of a knife
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